Mister Ron’s conversational English class.

In this class Mr Ron will guide a conversation between four students on the idea of science-fiction.

Those four students will each submit a story they think best embodies that. Each student and Mr Ron will each

all watch those films

before the course begins.

There watched they will all have a common language

at the beginning of the class that is a discussion of the meaning of that idea.

The class is 12 lessons.

All ages are welcome.

The cost for each attendee is 50 rmb per 25 min class.

I submit the film Star Trek: The Motion Picture.

If you approve of that film your child might enjoy being a student in this class.

The classes will be filmed for the parents to watch at their will – if each parent allows filming of their child.

I plan to begin this class at the beginning of March

and invite conversations with parents about this class.